Tuesday, October 29, 2013

GUYS---Step Aside!

Do you want to know something that really irks me?...
                          Something that gets DEEP underneath my skin and BOILS my blood…
Well if you haven’t already figured it based on the picture up above and the title of this post; I guess I have no choice but to break it down for you.
I absolutely HATE the fact that society has implanted the thought that women aren’t capable of doing the things men can do; into the heads of many people: BOTH women AND men. Since the beginning of time (that’s totally added for dramatic purposes but hey! It’s my opinion based on what I learned in history class back when I was in high school!) women have always been inferior to men. And the question that stays haunting me is WHY!?!? WHY? WHY? WHYYY? Not only does that discourage some women from going after their dreams but it makes some men think that they’re (excuse my language) “the shit”.  Now before you start attacking me and saying “not everyone does that or thinks that way”—CALM DOWN because I know that already! I’m just expressing my opinions for those who think that women are the weaker sex.
First of all, in the 18 years that I have been alive, I have been raised by my single mother who took on the role of being a mom and dad. She brought my older brother and I from a third world country into the United States, and due to her lack of American education, she had to settle for jobs that drained the living life out of her. But guess what?!? She never complained at all! Instead she did it so my brother and I can have a better future. (which we obtained) Society makes it appear that women have to be very dependent on men but instead that’s not the case. Like my mom, there are so many women who are so independent and are able to carry themselves and take care of their responsibilities on their own. We aren’t the weaker sex because we are able to overcome any task thrown at us if we really set our minds to it. Now I get that the physical differences between men and women also contribute to this mindset and for the most part men are stronger in that aspect, but again, there are many women out there who are just as strong. Now I’m not trying to say that we don’t need men at all, because we do, all I’m trying to say is that people really need to stop underestimating the abilities of women. No matter what language we speak, what the color of our skin is, where we are from, our religious beliefs, if we set our minds to a goal…guess what? WE CAN DO IT!
                                                        Feminists REUNITE! 

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